761 research outputs found


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    Kehadiran pedagang kaki lima (PKL)  kadang dapat meresahkan warga dan pemerintah, teapi kehadiran mereka juga dapat berkontribusi dalam menggerakan ekonomi suatu daerah. Minimnya sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh para pedagang kaki lima dapat membuat usahanya kurang begitu berkembang. Kegiatan Pendampingan para PKL diharapakn dapat berguna demi kelangsungan usaha dan mendapatkan pengetahua dalam berwirausaha. Pedaganag kaki lima di kawawan kota Bengkayang berjumlah 300  yang terdiri dari pedagang kuliner khas kearifan lokal, warung tenda makan, barang klontongan, kue tradisional, martabak, aneka gorengan, kedai roti,burger,  mie ayam bakso, pedagang sayuran, buah-buahan, minuman ringan, perabot rumah tangga, helm, peralatan tukang bangunan, sol. Pedaganag kaki lima di kawawan kota Bengkayang berjumlah 300  yang terdiri dari pedagang kuliner khas kearifan lokal, warung tenda makan, barang klontongan, kue tradisional, martabak, aneka gorengan, kedai roti,burger,  mie ayam bakso, pedagang sayuran, buah-buahan, minuman ringan, perabot rumah tangga, helm, peralatan tukang bangunan, sol.  Pendampingan dalam mengelola manajemen keuagan usaha, agar laporan keuangan hasil usaha tercatat dengan baik, pendampingan dalam memasarkan hasil usaha agar para pembeli semakin banyak, pendampingan dalam penggunaan teknologi informasi, agar para pedagang kaki lima dapat bersaing dengan pedagang lainya. &nbsp

    The geophagic nature of financial dominance in the Brazilian real estate market

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    Since the 1980s, following the re-concentration of economic activity in metropolitan regions, the urban real estate market in Brazil has been emerging as a sector that is capable of profitably absorbing the surplus produced in an economy that is facing a crisis. Initially, it is organized around the demand that is concentrated, in terms of space and sector, in the new business centralities. After the sector established a more dependent bond with the capital market, a relationship represented by a wave of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) by major real estate companies, the effects of the North American mortgage crisis were not trivial. An important movement of capital flight took place in the Brazilian stock market from thenceforth. The largest public housing program in the history of the country, the Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV, ‘My Home My Life’) program, was launched during that period, less than a year after the 2008 crisis. The targeted production of real estate that followed had new characteristics in terms of geographic behavior and its relationship with land. This paper aims to shed light on some critical events that led to this scenario and discuss some aspects of this change that are essential for the real estate business to maintain its position as one of the most profitable and promising investments in Brazil. The geographical behavior of real estate investment, considering its tendency to expand and intensify, plays a decisive role in this context

    A Global Review of Rural Community Enterprises: the long and winding road for creating viable businesses

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    Thirteen new species of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) from Texas

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    Analyses of whole genomic shotgun datasets, COI barcodes, morphology, and historical literature suggest that the following 13 butterfly species from the family Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) in Texas, USA are distinct from their closest named relatives and therefore are described as new (type localities are given in parenthesis): Spicauda atelis Grishin, new species (Hidalgo Co., Mission), Urbanus (Urbanus) rickardi Grishin, new species (Hidalgo Co., nr. Madero), Urbanus (Urbanus) oplerorum Grishin, new spe­cies (Hidalgo Co., Mission/Madero), Telegonus tsongae Grishin, new species (Starr Co., Roma), Autochton caballo Grishin, new species (Hidalgo Co., 6 mi W of Hidalgo), Epargyreus fractigutta Grishin, new species (Hidalgo Co., McAllen), Aguna mcguirei Grishin, new species (Cameron Co., Brownsville), Polygonus par­dus Grishin, new species (Hidalgo Co., McAllen), Arteurotia artistella Grishin, new species (Hidalgo Co., Mission), Heliopetes elonmuski Grishin, new species (Cameron Co., Boca Chica), Hesperia balcones Grishin, new species (Travis Co., Volente), Troyus fabulosus Grishin, new species (Hidalgo Co., Peñitas), and Le­rema ochrius Grishin, new species (Hidalgo Co., nr. Relampago). Most of these species are known in the US almost exclusively from the Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas. Nine of the holotypes were collected in 1971-1975, a banner period for butterfly species newly recorded from the Rio Grande Valley of Texas; five of them collected by William W. McGuire, and one by Nadine M. McGuire. At the time, these new species have been recorded under the names of their close relatives. A Neotype is designated for Papilio fulminator Sepp, [1841] (Suriname). Lectotypes are designated for Goniurus teleus Hübner, 1821 (unknown, likely in South America), Goniloba azul Reakirt, [1867] (Mexico: Veracruz) and Eudamus misitra Plötz, 1881 (Mex­ico). Several taxonomic changes are proposed. The following taxa are species (not subspecies): Spicauda zalanthus (Plötz, 1880), reinstated status (not Spicauda teleus (Hübner, 1821)), Telegonus fulminator (Sepp, [1841]), reinstated status (not Telegonus fulgerator (Walch, 1775), Telegonus misitra (Plötz, 1881), reinstated status (not Telegonus azul (Reakirt, [1867])), Autochton reducta (Mabille and Boullet, 1919), new status (not Autochton potrillo (Lucas, 1857)), Epargyreus gaumeri Godman and Salvin, 1893, reinstated status (not Epargyreus clavicornis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869)), and Polygonus punctus E. Bell and W. Comstock, 1948, new status (not Polygonus savigny (Latreille, [1824])). Urbanus ehakernae Burns, 2014 and Epargyreus socus chota Evans, 1952 are junior subjective synonyms of Urbanus alva Evans, 1952 and Epargyreus clavicornis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869), respectively, and Epargyreus gaumeri tenda Evans, 1955, new combination is not a subspecies of E. clavicornis

    Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Peningkatan Kualitas Kopi Solok Radjo

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    Kopi merupakan salah satu hasil komoditi perkebunan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi dan berperan penting. Minuman kopi terus berkembang hingga saat ini menjadi salah satu minuman paling populer di dunia yang dikonsumsi oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat. Permasalahan pada usaha Kopi Solok Rajo yang masih dijumpai adalah kesulitan dalam penyediaan bahan baku olahan yang seragam karena perbedaan umur panen dan keterbatasan lahan. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk memberikan informasi ke pada usaha kopi solok rajo pentingnya penerapan teori KAIZEN untuk meningkatan kualitas produk. Metode pengabdian yang digunakan dengan observasi langsung dan diskusi langsung dilapangan. Dalam metode diskusi ini dilakukan secara dua arah sehingga ada timbal balik. Kesan dari dari metode diskusi ini tidak menggurui dan mencari solusi terhadap permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi. Materi yang diberikan mulai perencanaan usaha yang baik, proses produksi, pengontrolan kualitas dan kegiatan aksi untuk selalu beorientasi pada mutu. Kegiatan proses produksi menganut prinsip continuous improvement (perbaikan mutu secara berkelanjutan). Hasil dari diskusi, UKM menyambut dengan baik dan akan menerapkan adanya perbaikan kedepan. Sekarang ini pemasaran merk Kopi Solok Radjo sudah mendunia, untuk proses produksi tidak ada permasalahan, malah mempunyai ciri khas pengolahan yang tidak dipunyai oleh UKM pengolah kopi yang lain. Hasil pengolahan yang khas menghasilkan rasa yang spesifik. Dampak dari kegiatan Kopi Solok Rajo berperan dalam pelestarian lingkungan berupa penanaman kembali daerah gunung dengan kopi, disamping bisa meningkatkan pendapat masyarakat

    Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Peningkatan Kualitas Kopi Solok Radjo

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    Kopi merupakan salah satu hasil komoditi perkebunan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi dan berperan penting. Minuman kopi terus berkembang hingga saat ini menjadi salah satu minuman paling populer di dunia yang dikonsumsi oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat. Permasalahan pada usaha Kopi Solok Rajo yang masih dijumpai adalah kesulitan dalam penyediaan bahan baku olahan yang seragam karena perbedaan umur panen dan keterbatasan lahan. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk memberikan informasi ke pada usaha kopi solok rajo pentingnya penerapan teori KAIZEN untuk meningkatan kualitas produk. Metode pengabdian yang digunakan dengan observasi langsung dan diskusi langsung dilapangan. Dalam metode diskusi ini dilakukan secara dua arah sehingga ada timbal balik. Kesan dari dari metode diskusi ini tidak menggurui dan mencari solusi terhadap permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi. Materi yang diberikan mulai perencanaan usaha yang baik, proses produksi, pengontrolan kualitas dan kegiatan aksi untuk selalu beorientasi pada mutu. Kegiatan proses produksi menganut prinsip continuous improvement (perbaikan mutu secara berkelanjutan). Hasil dari diskusi, UKM menyambut dengan baik dan akan menerapkan adanya perbaikan kedepan. Sekarang ini pemasaran merk Kopi Solok Radjo sudah mendunia, untuk proses produksi tidak ada permasalahan, malah mempunyai ciri khas pengolahan yang tidak dipunyai oleh UKM pengolah kopi yang lain. Hasil pengolahan yang khas menghasilkan rasa yang spesifik. Dampak dari kegiatan Kopi Solok Rajo berperan dalam pelestarian lingkungan berupa penanaman kembali daerah gunung dengan kopi, disamping bisa meningkatkan pendapat masyarakat

    Partisipasi stakeholder dalam pengelolaan pariwisata warisan budaya di kawasan Ratu Boko, Yogyakarta

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the implementation of Sapta Pesona in the Ratu Boko Region on the comprehension of domestic tourists. The role of the Ratu Boko area is not just the city center, but also a major tourism asset for the city of Yogyakarta, even Indonesia. Ratu Boko's attraction is not only the place, but the atmosphere of life is also a special attraction, which is not found in other places. Thus, the Ratu Boko Region bears various burdens, competing for dominance with one another. As a consequence, there has been a shift in function from cultural space to commercial space, a process that has taken place since the 1980s, which is characterized by the development of large-scale trading and service activities, land disputes between residential and commercial areas which, if not careful, can lead to prolonged conflicts. In this study, the variable studied was the implementation of Sapta Pesona among street vendors. Based on the results of statistical tests with a significance level of 5%, overall (simultaneously) the variables safe, orderly, clean, comfortable, beautiful, friendly and memorable have a significant effect on tourist comprehension. Based on the results of the questionnaire from 100 respondents, it was concluded that the average tourist comprehension of the implementation of Sapta Pesona among the street vendors of Ratu Boko Yogyakarta tends to be poor (close to negative).This study aims to determine the effect of the implementation of Sapta Pesona in the Ratu Boko Region on the comprehension of domestic tourists. The role of the Ratu Boko area is not just the city center, but also a major tourism asset for the city of Yogyakarta, even Indonesia. Ratu Boko's attraction is not only the place, but the atmosphere of life is also a special attraction, which is not found in other places. Thus, the Ratu Boko Region bears various burdens, competing for dominance with one another. As a consequence, there has been a shift in function from cultural space to commercial space, a process that has taken place since the 1980s, which is characterized by the development of large-scale trading and service activities, land disputes between residential and commercial areas which, if not careful, can lead to prolonged conflicts. In this study, the variable studied was the implementation of Sapta Pesona among street vendors. Based on the results of statistical tests with a significance level of 5%, overall (simultaneously) the variables safe, orderly, clean, comfortable, beautiful, friendly and memorable have a significant effect on tourist comprehension. Based on the results of the questionnaire from 100 respondents, it was concluded that the average tourist comprehension of the implementation of Sapta Pesona among the street vendors of Ratu Boko Yogyakarta tends to be poor (close to negative)

    Karakteristik Aktivitas Pedagang Kaki Lima di Ruang Publik Kota pada Taman Tirto Agung, Kecamatan Banyumanik, Semarang

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    Street vendors grow in urban areas, due to the narrowness of employment in the formal sector. Street vendors often occupy public spaces such as roadside, sidewalks, parks and fields. Ironically, the existence of street vendors is often considered the government as source of problem. One of them street vendors in the Taman Tirto Agung, Banyumanik District, street vendor activities growing in the sidewalks and parks. The existence of street vendors has changed the function of the park and degrade the visual quality of the space. Actually this problem arises because there is no exact location determination for street vendors by considering the characteristics of street vendors. The purpose of this research is to find activity characteristic of street vendor in Taman Tirto Agung. This research uses quantitative method. The results showed that the characteristics of street vendors in Taman Tirto Agung were influenced by diverse types of activity residential, commercial and recreation; a variety of merchandise that varies according to the needs of the surrounding community (raw materials, food/beverages, toys, services), means of trade is carts, tent carts, bicycles with baskets, car/motorcycle, umbrella table/tent tables), and time of activity (06.00-24.00) follow the time of regional activity (04.30-24.00)

    Tendencias de mortalidade por câncer de estômago no Brasil entre 1996 e 2006

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Medicina. Departamento de Saúde Pública

    Análise do mercado do moble en España. Situación actual e perspectivas

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    Traballo de Fin de Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas. Curso 2014-2015A recente etapa vivida, caracterizada por unha forte desaceleración económica e a falta de confianza dos consumidores, provoca que bens de consumo duradeiro coma os mobles mostren unha forte caída na súa demanda. Así, o obxectivo fundamental do presente estudo é o de levar a cabo unha análise en profundidade do sector industrial do moble en España. A situación actual caracterízase por unha forte contracción dos niveis produtivos, do número de empresas e da empregabilidade no sector. Ante esta situación, o sector mantén un índice de exportacións de mobiliario de considerable aceptación. Non ocorre así co nivel de importacións, que diminuíron nos últimos tempos como consecuencia da caída da demanda interna por parte dos consumidores españois. O comportamento do consumidor de mobiliario en España tamén está a cambiar nos últimos tempos, optando cada vez máis por unha demanda elevada de produtos personalizados cunha rápida adaptabilidade e flexibilidade, e séguese a mostrar coma un consumidor que mantén a sensibilidade ante o prezo deste produto, sexa cal sexa o canal de compra elixido